Bancomext announces four new financing programs

Within the framework of its 85th anniversary, the National Bank for Foreign Trade (Bancomext) announced four new financing programs.

“With its solid financial structure, Bancomext is in a good position to face the challenges of the future and support the efforts that the government requires, to improve the well-being of the population of Mexico,” said Luis Antonio Ramírez, general director of the institution.

The first of these programs, he explained, is first-tier financing for companies in the industrial, commercial and service sectors, whose annual sales are less than 250 million pesos, with credits of up to 60 million, and terms of up to five years, intended for working capital, equipment and even payment of liabilities.

The official added that another three are for second-tier financing, and one is for the development of suppliers linked to global export chains, mainly aimed at suppliers in strategic sectors such as the automotive, aerospace, and electrical-electronic sectors.

Another is for pure leasing, which will promote modernization and equipment, in order to increase the productive capacity of exporting companies and their suppliers; and one more for women entrepreneurs who export, which includes credit with better conditions in rates and guarantees.

“With Multiva, Mifel and Ve por Más banks, we launched a pilot program, whose objective is to promote regional vocations, and we will do the same with non-bank financial intermediaries,” he said.

The director of Bancomext highlighted that the biggest challenge for this development bank is its future, and although it is true that the situation the world is going through is complex, the institution has the sufficiency to overcome these adversities thanks to its capacity to adapt and evolve, while continuing to fulfill its mission.

In this sense, he underlined that his most important task going forward, without ceasing to support the productive export sectors, has to do with the implementation of a policy that gives priority to current and potential suppliers of exporting companies, in particular those small and medium that, due to lack of credit support, have not been able to join global value chains.

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