Atlantic Trucking Association Concerned About Border Regulations NB COVID-19 – New Brunswick | The Canadian News

New Brunswick has implemented new restrictions on commuters and the Atlantic Provinces Truckers Association says it will affect the industry and supply chain.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Blaine Higgs announced that people would have to show proof of vaccination at the border and be subject to restrictions based on their status, including 14 days of isolation.

Read more:

COVID-19: NB reports 51 new cases, total active cases exceeds 330

It occurs as cases continue to increase in the province under the green phase of the COVID-19 recovery.

The executive director of the Trucking Association of Atlantic Provinces, Jean-Marc Picard, said the group is concerned.

“This is going to have a huge impact on the industry,” he said in an interview Thursday. “We’re still unclear on certain things, but yesterday they told us they need to show proof of vaccination or they should be in isolation for 14 days when they get back to New Brunswick, which would essentially disrupt the supply chain, really.”

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The trucking industry has faced challenges before, including modified isolation when vaccines began to be rolled out. He also faced long waits during the blockade of the New Brunswick-Nova Scotia border.

However, Higgs has made it clear that the restrictions will not be subject to the same application.

“At this stage, no, we are not planning to carry out provincial border controls. It can come to that. It’s only fair that this relies heavily on integrity. It relies heavily on the requirement to register, ”Higgs said on Sept. 15.

He said that registration and proof of vaccination would work on an honor system.

Picard said it leaves a lot in the air.

Click to Play Video: 'New Brunswick Businesses React to New Test of Vaccination Policy'

New Brunswick Businesses React to New Test of Vaccination Policy

New Brunswick Businesses React to New Test of Vaccination Policy

He said vaccination rates in the industry fall in line with the general population, or about 80 percent. Picard added that the group cannot require vaccines, but many retailers and suppliers already are.

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“We are an essential service. Goods have to move, whether it’s food or medical supplies, so any kind of disruption, as you know, can be significant, even if it’s only for 24 hours. “

The modified isolation option remains in doubt, Picard said, but said the association will meet with the government at 9 a.m. on Sept. 17 to discuss the new rules.

“So this is really scaling up and it could really have a huge impact,” Picard said.

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