At least 274 new COVID cases in Guelph, 2 deaths in Wellington County | The Canadian News

Guelph’s public health unit reported 274 new cases of COVID-19 in the city on Monday, with the total case count during the pandemic reaching 7,912.

However, due to recent changes in test eligibility, the provincial government says the counts are an underestimate of the true spread of the virus in the community.

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The latest data, which includes the morning from Friday to Monday, shows that the city has at least 1,105 active cases, and 353 new recoveries are also reported. The total number of resolved cases amounts to 6,761.

The city’s fatal case count of 46 remains unchanged.

Public health reported two more fatal cases in Wellington County, bringing the death toll to 41 during the pandemic.

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Over the weekend, another 232 COVID-19 cases were confirmed as the total case count increased to 3,628. Active cases are at 644, with 150 confirmed recoveries.

In Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph, there are 26 cases treated in hospital, including two in intensive care.

There are 13 confirmed outbreaks of COVID-19 between health centers in Guelph and Wellington County, including two outbreaks in the Village of Riverside Glen with 34 cases among staff and residents.

Wellington Terrace in Fergus reports 30 cases among staff and residents, including one fatal case.

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Focus Ontario: Omicron Increases in Ontario

Focus Ontario: Omicron Increases in Ontario

Public health data shows that 82.7 percent of eligible residents in the region (those who are five years old or older) consider themselves fully vaccinated, while 88.3 percent have received at least one dose of vaccine. .

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In Guelph, 84.7% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated and 90.5% are partially vaccinated, while in Wellington County, 81.7% are fully vaccinated and 87.1% have received a dose.

Last week, about 23,500 vaccines were given in the region, and most were third-dose boosters.

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