Assaulted by his trusted teacher

Insomnia, nightmares, learning difficulties, obsessive behavior: these are the consequences with which a young person must live, abused at the age of eight by the teacher “in whom he trusted”, who could now receive a sentence of penitentiary.

• Read also: Assault of a teacher on her 8-year-old student

“It’s like a smear that I try to erase, but there are always traces,” wrote the little boy to judge Serge Cimon as part of the observations on the sentence of Josianne Lévesque.

It was the mother of the young victim who read the letter written by her son while holding back her sobs, yesterday, at the Laval courthouse.

Some information cannot be revealed due to a publication ban to protect the identity of the victim.

This testimony follows the 43-year-old Lavalloise’s guilty plea last June for sexual touching and incitement to sexual touching.

“When I was 10, I told my mother that L. was sexually abusing me because I wanted it to stop. For two years I kept it a secret because she told me she might go to jail. She knew she was doing something wrong, but was doing it anyway, and on the sly,” the child explained.

Josianne Levesque

Photo taken from Facebook

Josianne Levesque

In a position of authority

The year before the sexual acts began, Josianne Lévesque was the teacher of his victim. At that time, she was teaching second year elementary school in a private college in Montreal, but the assaults took place in the context of homework assistance, for 17 months.

The fallen teacher started doing rewarding activities with him, like going to the movies, with the parents’ permission, to whom she had presented it as “positive reinforcement.” »

The teacher took the opportunity instead to make sexual gestures towards him.

Sentencing submissions are set to continue in May, but it is already known that Crown prosecutor Ms.and Claudia Ossio, will ask for a prison sentence in penitentiary, therefore of two years or more, by betting on the notion of authority that the professor occupied.

fell in love

“He tells me about his concern that another person in a position of authority repeats the same thing,” the boy’s mother also said.

She also feels betrayed since she trusted the teacher, who had become a close friend.

After the revelations by her boy, the mother had questioned the pedophile, who had confessed to certain sexual acts, saying “to have fallen in love. »

“Receiving his confession was a huge shock,” said the mother.

Among other consequences, her little boy now suffers from insomnia, cries in his sleep and has difficulty concentrating in school, she said.

He sometimes scratches his nose incessantly or blows his nose until it bleeds “to remove the scent of the accused”, then compulsively washes his hands and body.

“He tells me he does this because he feels dirty. […] He had more and more flashback lately,” added his mother, who fears the assaults will damage her child’s future intimate relationships.

In therapy

The latter has been followed in psychotherapy for more than a year and a half.

“Instead of helping me with my difficulties [à l’école], she caused me more and I’m having trouble catching up, the boy said in his letter. When I’m with my friends, I feel different because I have images in my head. They are able to play like children, I am not so lucky. »

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