AMLO opens the possibility of applying booster doses of the vaccine against Covid-19

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador opened the door on Tuesday to the possibility of applying a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, especially among older adults, in a change of strategy regarding the immunization policy carried out so far.

In the country, almost 76 million people have received the Covid-19 vaccine85% with the complete scheme, according to the latest official data, and a week ago the Government announced the start of vaccination for minors between 15 and 17 years old with the Pfizer vaccine.

The booster vaccine will be analyzed in some cases, especially for older adults, but that has yet to be decided by doctors, specialists, “said AMLO in his usual morning conference.

The president acknowledged that there are still citizens in the country, of 126 million inhabitants, who are lagging behind in the process, some because they refuse to be vaccinated and others because they are in remote places where the health brigades have not arrived, but he reiterated that no one will be forced to be immunized against the coronavirus.

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