Alberta Parents and Teachers Launch Ad Campaign Against Draft Curriculum and Class Size

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Groups representing Alberta teachers and parents are joining forces to launch a million dollar publicity campaign against “reckless changes” in the province’s public education system.

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At a news conference Tuesday morning, Alberta Teachers Association (ATA) President Jason Schilling said conditions such as increasing class sizes and a “dangerous and regressive” kindergarten curriculum from infants to sixth grade are equivalent to an attack on public education in the province.

“They will have major consequences,” Schilling said, “and they are happening at a time when parents, teachers and children continue to juggle the challenges of an ongoing pandemic.”

The campaign is a partnership between the ATA and the Alberta School Council Association (ASCA), which represents parents who serve on school councils across the province. Schilling noted that the cost of the campaign will be around $ 1 million and will include radio, print and online advertising.

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ASCA President Brandi Rai, who is also a mother of five school-age children, described the struggles of parents over the past 19 months, forced to balance their careers and family responsibilities as well as their children’s education in the midst of a “roller coaster” of public health. measures.

“We are exhausted, tired, concerned and invested in education because our children are important and deserve a quality education,” Rai said, adding that both parents and teachers have a shared responsibility to protect the future of students. “That’s why parents couldn’t stay out of this.”

The campaign includes a open letter addressed to the Prime Minister of Alberta, Jason Kenney, and the Minister of Education, Adriana LaGrange, echoing the concerns of the associations.

More to come …

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