Alberta Byelection Updates: Polls close in Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche

The byelection comes after former UCP MLA Laila Goodridge resigned her provincial post last year

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This file will be updated throughout the evening as unofficial results come in.

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8:54 p.m.

NDP optimistic as they await unofficial results

Sheldon Dahl, who has volunteered on multiple previous NDP campaigns in the region said they’ve seen a “much better” response door knocking than previous years.

“Even people who talked to me that identified as conservative were not happy with the current government and open to thinking about different options,” said Dahl.

Laura Beamish, Fort McMurray Today

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8:30 pm

Wildrose leader seeking party resurgence

While Brian Jean has billed himself as the best chance at defeating the NDP, he focused a lot of his attention during campaign forums on Wildrose Independence Party leader Paul Hinman.

Hinman spent the election portraying Jean as an incompetent quitter and accused him of secretly supporting carbon taxes. Jean obviously denies this. At a Lac La Biche forum, he said Hinman would make no difference in the legislature.

Vincent McDermott, Fort McMurray Today

8:15 p.m.

Brian Jean arrives at campaign HQ

United Conservative Party (UCP) candidate Brian Jean walked into his campaign office just minutes after the polls closed at 8 pm

“It feels normal, it feels good,” Jean told Fort McMurray Today reporter Vincent McDermott.

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Meanwhile, at NDP candidate Ariana Mancini’s campaign office, supporters are confident.

“We’re going to find more support here then we ever have before,” said Cass Elliott, Mancini’s campaign manager. “I think people are ready for change.”

This is Mancini’s second run as an NDP candidate. She ran in the 2015 provincial election in the former riding of Fort McMurray-Conklin, where she won 30.79 per cent. She finished behind former Wildrose Leader and UCP candidate Brian Jean.

8:05 p.m.

Fort McMurray Today teams reporting

Postmedia journalists Vincent McDermott and Laura Beamish from the Fort McMurray Today are reporting live from the NDP and UCP campaign offices.

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8 p.m.

Polls close in Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche byelection

Polls have officially closed in the Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche by election, but if you’re reading this and you’re still standing in line to vote, don’t despair!

Anyone still in line will still be able to cast a ballot.

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Ahead of the 8 pm deadline, a few of the leading candidates took to social media to rally their supporters.

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Paul Hinman — Wildrose Independence Party Leader

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Brian Jean—United Conservative Party

Fort McMurray – Lac La Biche we have been through a lot together in the last 18 years. Good times and bad. Happiness and…

Posted by brian jean on Tuesday, March 15, 2022

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6 p.m. Voters head to the polls

Voters in Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche are deciding who they send to the Alberta legislature Tuesday after an election campaign dominated by criticism of Premier Jason Kenney.

There are eight candidates on Tuesday’s ballot, including former Wildrose Party leader and United Conservative Party co-founder Brian Jean, who is running under the UCP banner, the NDP’s Ariana Mancini, Wildrose Independence Party Leader and former MLA Paul Hinman, Alberta Advantage Party Leader Marilyn Burns, Steven Mellott with the Independence Party of Alberta, Abdulhakim Hussein of the Alberta Liberal Party, the Alberta Party’s Michelle Landsiedel, and independent candidate Brian Deheer.

Advanced polling numbers released ahead of Tuesday’s polls show 8.2 per cent, or just under 2,000 eligible voters, cast an early ballot.

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If elected, Jean will join the UCP caucus as Kenney’s bitter rival just ahead of the premier’s April 9 party leadership review in Red Deer. Jean has said he’s confident Kenney’s career will not survive the review, and he has set his sights on unseating the premier.

Kenney has questioned Jean’s record in politics and his motives for running. At an unrelated announcement Tuesday, Kenney did not specifically name Jean when asked by a reporter which candidate he supports.

“Obviously the United Conservative Party, and I encourage people to get out and vote,” he said.

The byelection comes after former UCP MLA Laila Goodridge resigned her provincial post last year, going on to win the local federal riding for the Conservative Party of Canada.

Polls opened at 9 am and are set to close at 8 pm, with an unofficial tally from Elections Alberta expected Tuesday night. Official results will be announced Wednesday.

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