Alberta Announces Plans for Expedited Visas for Aliens Employed in the Province’s Tech Industry | The Canadian News

The Alberta government is backing tech companies trying to recruit international talent for the growing sector that is struggling to fill positions.

On Thursday, the province announced The Accelerated Tech Pathway through the Alberta Immigration Nominee program. The goal is to speed up visas for highly-skilled foreign tech workers.

“Under this new pathway, tech professionals in Canada and abroad can become permanent residents in as little as six months if they have a job offer in an in-demand tech occupation.”
Labor Secretary Tyler Shandro said.

READ MORE: ‘We just can’t keep up’: Does Calgary have a shortage of tech talent?

Shandro said Alberta can nominate 6,250 people for permanent residency, but it’s unclear how many of those would be in the tech sector.

The show can’t come soon enough for Calgary-based Vog app developers. You currently have up to 30 open positions.

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“The current situation that we have with a lot of developers is that they get caught up in the Canadian immigration system,” said CEO Vince O’Gorman.

READ MORE: How Immigrants Contribute to Alberta’s Economic Prosperity

“One of our developers has been through that program for almost two years, so if the government can speed it up, and the support of the Alberta government, it will definitely help the tech industry here.”

It is a common story. Software engineer Victor Alencar lives in Brazil but took a job at Mobsquad in Calgary. The father of the soon to have two children is relieved that there may be more security in staying longer.

READ MORE: Alberta Government Must Invest in Tech Sector Now: Edmonton Global

“I think one of the fears of moving to a new country is whether you can stay without worrying about your visa status,” Alencar said. “Getting to know the application is getting easier, that helps a lot for sure.”

Your little daughter will be born any minute. The family hopes to move to Calgary in April if all the paperwork is completed.

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