A “new” drawing by Van Gogh unveiled to the public in Amsterdam

An unpublished work has just been unveiled at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam: “Study for A Worn Peasant”. This drawing by the painter had never before been exhibited to the public. This pencil study was discovered in a private Dutch collection where it had been kept for a hundred years, and was produced in November 1882 when the artist began.

After his first stay in The Hague in the summer of 1882, he discovered that he lacked the ability to paint people. He was already drawing them, but he lacked painting. So, in order to be able to paint people, he went back to the drawing board, one could literally say to figure studies. And he made hundreds after the fall of 1882“explains Teio Meedendorp, researcher at the Van Gogh Museum.

The museum houses a famous lithograph in the same vein, entitled “The Door of Eternity or Old Man in Sorrow”. The new design will be visible until January 2 before returning to its owners, a Dutch family who bought it in 1910 from a known collector Henk Bremmer.


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