Women in Mexico with a Low Rate of Exercise

In Mexico, only one in three women have opportunities to participate in physical activities or sports. This is evident from the study “Sports exercise and physical exercise module“(MOPRADEF) 2021 of inegiin which only 33.3% of all women in the country indicated that they have time for it, compared to 46.7% of men.

This study began in 2013 and since then, men have surpassed women in terms of the percentage who perform physical activities. The gap remained, because while in 2017 it was 36% of women by 49.8% of men, i.e. almost a 14% difference, in the most recent that differential figure is 13.4%; the picture has not changed much in the last four years.

From the beginning of the study, the women They did not exceed 40% in terms of the number of those who perform physical activities, so each year at least six out of 10 are limited to non-exercise, which is linked to different reasons.

Of 66.7% of women who do not perform physical activities, 25.6% said they have never done so, while the remaining 41.1% said they have never done so. The difference is large in contrast to men, where only 8% indicated that they had never exercised.

The three main reasons why so many womenas men did not exercise, are the following: lack of time (37%), fatigue from work (21.2%) and health problems (18.8%).

It should be noted that, according to the most recent census of the inegi (2020) 51.2% of the national population are women, but only 39% of the population aged 25 or older working as officials or directors of the public, private and social sector are women.

In addition, 17.9% of Mexican households consist of a wife without a spouse and without children, that is, single mothers who have to go out to work; further, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (inegi) also revealed that more than one million women left or lost their jobs in 2020, which means a 5.2% reduction in the rate of working women and they need to find a way to both for themselves and for their children to survive.

Returning to physical activation, it is noteworthy that the age of 35 to 44 years is the most active among the women in this year by 35.2%, followed by the series between 18 and 24 years by 35.1%. In 2019, before the covid-19 pandemicthe series between 18 and 24 years old had up to 46.9% performance in physical activities, but now the youngest did not occupy the main pot.

Regarding the average time they devote to exercise, women have 5 hours and 24 minutes per week, while men have 5 hours and 45 minutes, i.e. men have 6% more time than women for these types of activities.

More than half of Mexicans do not exercise

The MOPRADEF 2021 It also revealed that 60.4% of Mexicans, including men and women, do not engage in any type of physical activity, which means the second highest figure since this study began in 2013.

In parallel with the pandemic, there are two years in which the number of people without exercise is more than 60%, as the total amount in 2020 was 61.1%. This means that between 2020 and 2021, three out of five Mexicans will not devote time to physical activity.

In 2014, the highest score for men exercising was recorded at 52.1%, but in 2020 this figure dropped to 43.8% and in 2021 it has barely recovered to 46.7%, considering that women since 2013 are still did not exceed 40%.

This means that, in general, in the country only four out of 10 people (older than 18 years) do some kind of exercise. Of them, 73.9% declared doing it for health, a figure that is increasing compared to pre-pandemic times, as only 63% said in 2019 that they did it to be healthy.

It should be noted that the study was conducted by the inegi in the first 20 days of November 2021 and the sample were 2 336 houses from 32 areas with 100,000 inhabitants or more, in which there were people 18 years and older. The questionnaire given to each Mexican consisted of 18 items.



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