Tribunal desecha amparo de la UIF contra liberación de Emilio Lozoya por caso Agronitrogenados

The Uncercer Tribunal Unitario en penal materiel de Primer Circuito desecho este mércoles el ampero promoted by the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) to impose a resolution that ordaaba dejar without effect the preventive price to Emilio Lozoya, exdirector of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), in the case of Agronitrogenados.

Last week, an order was issued to release the director of Pemex by banning the fertilizer plant plant. Agronitrogenados.

The UIF of the Secretariat de Hacienda y Crédito Público presented on Tuesday a report against the resolution of the magistrada Gabriela Guadalupe Rodríguez Escobar, when the 21st of November ordered the relocation of an electronic bracelet to Emilio Lozoya in order to start the process of the Agronitrogenados case going into custody.

In this way, the functionary of the governor of the president Enrique Peña Nieto the sale of a prison cell and a control case of the Reclusorio Norte, if the preventive prison justified by Lozoya in the Odebrecht case were to take effect.

On Tuesday, an order of the Court of Appeal and a control judge will review the imposition of preventive imprisonment against Lozoya Austin by the Odebrech caset.

An order of the United Nations has a control over the Reclusorio Norte llevar a cabo un audience, misma que se celebréest este mircoles a las 13:00 horas, a fin de revisar la medida cautelar de preventive prison que impuso un juez en contra de Lozoya.

La indagatoria de la FGR por el Odebrecht case lozoya lozoya of haber received sobornos in millions of dollars on the part of the Brazilian company Odebrecht, in exchange for contracting Pemex’s work in the sex of Enrique Peña Nieto.

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