To escape the danger of a fugitive, Lozoya goes to prison

El juez de control, José Artemio Zúñiga, ordered that the director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Emilio Lozoya Austin, continue to take into account the persistent risk of escaping.

During a video audience in which Lozoya and his estranged lawyer present at the Judgment of the Northern Reclamation of the CDMX, the judge demonstrates that the director has relatives in the foreign country who can help him justice in our country. Sostuvo that his wife and he radicals in Germany and accounted for the resources to be able to obscure.

It also identifies to Lozoya a bank account in the Principality of Liechtenstein with millions of euros, the coins that could be used for its fugue.

This hearing was celebrated by a Unified Tribunal, in the Odebrecht case, ordered the control of the Norse Reclusorio Norte to review the pre-trial detention facility that José Artemio Zúñiga Mendoza had previously tried under federal control.

Ayer, también, el Tercer Tribunal Unitario en Materia Penal desecho el ampo promoted by the Unidad de Financial Intelligence (UIF) para impugnar un resolution i ordena dejar sin efekto de preventive prison a Lozoya por el caso Agro Nitrogenados, por considerar que has a legal interest in promoting the recourse because it does not generate a direct transfer to its assets.

Respectively, the UIF states that the promotion as a moral person, as a part of the offense in criminal proceedings, a person who has reconciled in this process, by presenting a complaint against him in connection with the dismissal of the defendant, to the effect that was studied by a collegiate tribunal.

Currently, Lozoya is taking liberty in the Agro Nitrogenados case, as a precautionary measure in the Odebrecht case, because he will have to go to prison in order to continue the criminal proceedings against both cases.

Sentences, the important

The cases and accusations against Lozoya, through the purchase and overuse of the fertilizer plant, Agro Nitrogenados, and the cases of Odebrecht, confirms that most of all initiate investigations, the relevant ones in combating the corruption are to read the sentences, asi lo dijo Eduardo Bohórquez, Executive Director of Mexican Transparency.

To talk about the cancellation of the preventive prison imposed on the employee in the Agro Nitrogenados case and, on the other hand, the confirmation of the middle ground by Odebrecht, the expert said that the case was advanced, even the authorities and lost time.

It was lost time “in the discussion on the alleged criterion of opportunity which, in this case, is clearly a procedure, if we adjust to it established by the National Code of Criminal Procedure”.

Bohórquez states that he has clarified the details and details that he has given about the illicit actions in the matter of corruption, he has heard, is responsible.

“We have heard details and details of the case, but on this day, neither Lozoya nor the corruption of what presumably is the part, he agreed with those responsible by a judge. He has just had a hard time recovering his lost assets, ”he said.

To discuss probable contradictions in the resolutions passed by the judges analyzing the allegations made by the General Prosecutor of the Republic against the federal government official of Peña Nieto, Eduardo Bohórquez explained that he was the current incorrectly, the judicial power has the obligation to act in accordance with the law ”.

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