They will discuss in the TEPJF validating the revocation of mandate and declaring non-binding

The Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) made public two projects that will be submitted for discussion by the magistrates, and which propose to validate the results issued by the National Electoral Institute (INE) on the consultation to revoke the mandate of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as well as to declare that the exercise does not met the 40% participation required to be binding.

The draft resolution SUP-JIN-1/2022 and accumulated is due to the challenges presented by Ulises Ortiz, Movimiento Ciudadano, PRD, Morena and the PRI, in order to dispute the final calculation and the declaration of results. The nullity of the vote received in various polling places must be declared.

The challengers considered that the vote of various polling stations should be recounted due to an error in the calculation; that the revocation process must be declared invalid as there have been serious and decisive violations that violated the principles that should have governed the revocation exercise.

However, the TEPJF project establishes that the claims are unfeasible because the revocation of the mandate has no legal effect, since the percentage of citizen participation constitutionally required for it to be valid has not been reached.

After the promoters, except Morena, argued the illegal participation of public officials in acts promoting the revocation of the mandate, and even the use of public resources for it, the project proposed to send to the Technical Unit for Electoral Litigation of the National Electoral Institute (INE)the Specialized Regional Chamber of the TEPJF and the Specialized Prosecutor for the Attention of Electoral Crimes, the records of the files so that they investigate, and where appropriate, sanction the indicated facts, based on the powers and obligations that each one of them corresponds to them in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Meanwhile, the draft resolution SUP-RAP-128/2022 is due to the challenge filed by the PT in order to dispute the final calculation of the INE, considering that this institute included in the agreement contextual information and the percentage of citizen participation on the day of revocation of mandate, a task that corresponds to the TEPJF.

In this regard, the project considers that the contextual information of the mandate revocation process is part of the elements used by the General Council of the INE to found and motivate the issuance of said agreement. It is detailed that the inclusion of the percentage of citizen participation in the mandate revocation day does not invade the powers of the TEPJF, since it only consists of a numerical data that reflects the results obtained in the computation process carried out by the INE.

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