They believe that Le Pen is a feminist, by Ana Bernal-Triviño

This Sunday, elections in France. And in the television debate with Macron, equality only had two moments: one in passing, when Macron acknowledged the breaking of the silence in the face of harassment or femicide, and the veil debate. France is not exactly synonymous with the fight for women. History proves it, from the end of Olympe de Gouges through the false sexual revolution of May 68. The rise of French conservatism is already reflected in the advance of the discourse of Le Pen. Although there are differences between his party and voxmarked by the identity of the country (for example, secularism), there is a base of the shared discourse on equality. The first, the most profitable, is to place women with their own voice to justify that it is a feminist party. The trap of thinking, as it happens here, that being a woman is the same as being a feminist, when there is nothing true.

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Marine Le Pen inherited the party from her father and has taken it further by taking advantage of social discontent. In it she has played disguise as feminism what it is not to capture the vote of women. A survey in ‘Elle’ said that Le Pen is a feminist for 49% of women, compared to 30% for Macron. This despite the fact that in her electoral program the word ‘woman’ only appears once. This despite the fact that with Macron came laws against sexual violence or withdrawing parental authority in the case of femicide (although insufficient).

None of this is in Le Pen’s speech. For this reason, in this campaign, feminist associations called for there to be no room for deception: that Le Pen manipulates feminist history when she sells an image of a woman without “hostility towards men” , that her party in the European Parliament has systematically voted against women’s rights, such as abortion, her rejection of quotas or blaming immigration for sexual violence. In France, the data shows that women already vote more for the extreme right. And if he doesn’t remedy his fallacious speech, the same thing will happen here.

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