The ‘super seed’ that has more calcium than canned sardines and is rich in protein

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Burgers are one of the favorite foods of those who fantasize about cheat on him to your weight loss diet. We all know that they will make it harder for us to lose weight and maintain good health., but these are not the only goals of the diet. In Spain we know a lot about the pleasure of eating and, if we know how to maintain a balance, less healthy foods do not have to damage our health in the long term.

When we think of junk food, the image of a hamburger most likely comes to mind. Of course, not all hamburgers are the same: some have better quality ingredients than others. But what they do have in common is that experts don’t recommend them.: it is a dish that provides too many calories, that does not have very interesting nutrients and that is usually accompanied by other foods bad for health – such as sauces, sugary sodas, and potato chips.

Now, not everything in a hamburger is bad; exists an ingredient in its composition that stands out for its contribution of nutrients, although in this recipe it is insignificant. It is neither the lettuce, nor the tomato, nor the onion, nor the pickles – which, of course, are very healthy – but the small sesame seeds that dot the top of the characteristic hamburger bun .

Fat and protein

If it weren’t for its anecdotal presence in hamburgers, sesame would be a completely unknown food in our gastronomy. However, it is a great source of healthy nutrients that, like all seeds, it has a very high energy value. According to Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), 100 grams of sesame seeds contain about 614 kilocalories, but their consumption is not related to being overweight.

More than half of the composition of sesame seeds is made up of fats, but these are very healthy. The vast majority of its fatty acids are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, which means that they have heart-healthy properties because they help reduce blood cholesterol levels. After fats, proteins are the most important component of the composition of sesame.

With more than 18% protein, sesame is a good source of protein. However, since they are vegetable proteins, they must be supplemented because they do not contain all the essential amino acids. According to the FEN, sesame seeds have a large amount of methionine, an essential amino acid that is lacking in most legumes. For this reason, legumes and sesame can make a good team and it is not essential to take them at the same meal.

Source of minerals

These seeds are also an important source of fiber that not only benefits intestinal function, but also contributes to cardiovascular health by preventing the absorption of excess sugars and fats. Specifically, the FEN states that sesame seeds contain almost 8% fiber. Lastly, sesame seeds contain an outstanding supply of several important micronutrients.

Sesame is the food that contains the highest amount of calcium, even above canned sardines. While these types of sardines contain 400 milligrams of calcium in every 100 grams of weight, sesame seeds contain in the same amount 670 milligrams. Milk, which is the food most popularly associated with this mineral, has just over 120 milligrams in that same weight. Another mineral that stands out in its composition is iron, which is more present in sesame than in lentils.

Sesame seeds can be sprinkled over a myriad of preparations to increase the amount of healthy nutrients, but they can also be taken through tahini. This last preparation is a paste that is prepared based on these seeds and that can be found in many supermarkets, such as Mercadona. This cream can be spread or added to other recipes. In fact, tahini is one of the fundamental ingredients in hummus.

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