The Societies of Gil Zuarth

Roberto Gil Zuarth left his post in the Senate of the Republic just three years ago, apparently and arranged the last regular session of the LXIII Legislature of the Congress of the Union. The abrupt manner ends with a decade of first-level public cargoes to retire — in 41 years — and resume private activities, as abogado.

In his step by the Chamber of Deputies, presiding over the directive, just in the midst of the sex of Enrique Peña Nieto. With Ernesto Cordero and Salvador Vega Casillas forming a block of close collaborators with Felipe Calderón who will fire and defend the legacy of the last panicked president.

In the text of the directive the antecedent Luis Miguel Gerónimo Barbosa Huerta, who was also the coordinator of the lost bank. Its legislature is producing a team of governors of all parties.

The nephews of the panicked exorcist and the governor of Puebla are reminded of the previous decade and are fortified in the penitentiary, when they occupy an escarpment in the Cámara Alta. Attorneys, specializing in electoral litigation, will find a relevant paper in the legislative process that derives from the number of members of the autonomous bodies.

At the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power, for example, Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón, who served as technical secretary of the Commission of Justice, presides over Gil Zuarth. And in INAI incorporated the lawyer Zacatecano Francisco Acuña Llamas, who died in the truck to Michoacano Ernesto Villanueva, who met with the response of Barbosa to preside over the new organ guaranteeing access to information. For the INE, in exchange, Habrian Bloceado points out the ascent of Carla Humphrey — spokeswoman for the Panista parliament — despite the fact that the IEDF spokeswoman is among the most evaluated aspirants.

Both legislators are located in the center of a bloc of senators who, without defining the line of the party leaders, have “their own property” and a transsexual project with which there is now no one to vote.

A generation of advocates who unite their destinations in the preparatory epochs and stretch them in their postgraduate studies, in Spain.

Expelled from the panicked dome, from the ascension of Ricardo Anaya, the calderonists took a partisan route, but — in agreement with the evidence gathered in the last decade — a star-studded faction at the Movi Ciudadano. Otra, captured by Gil Zuarth, focused on the negotiations. In Accuracy — a law firm and consultancy firm — starring with its parliamentary colleagues, Salvador Vega Casillas and José Luis Lavalle Maury, on the scandal of the so-called presumptive payments by Emilio Lozoya in the approval of the previous six-year energy reform traste with his model of negotiation.

Those associated with despacho are waiting with diligence for the governors of Puebla and Tamaulipas. And just like that with that entity, the frontier explained the recent siege of a Moorish sector against Gil Zuarth. The same expedient that has been filtered about the maneuvering of its bank accounts now supports the exhibition of “irrefutable evidence” of its irregularity in the judicial action against the employers of the University of America-Puebla.

Detrás was a litigant and notorious notaries who had helped the panicked executor establish contact with the current secretary of the Government, Adán Augusto López Hernández. In my opinion, this presumption has made one week …

Secondary effects

DECRETITIS. After his work to enroll in the Tren Maya, from the SEDATU, María Estela Ríos González aterrizó in the Consejería Jurídica del Gobierno de la Republikica, to occupy the vacancy of Julio Scherer Ibarra. In the last two semesters, by superior instructions, he worked on the documents: the decree extinguishing 16 unorganized organs — between them the SNA, Firco and Focir — and the presidential proclamation that would allow commercial aviation to enter the air terminal Santa Lucía, has received a package of benefits from the new Transport Secretary, Rogelio Jiménez Pons.

REPRESENTATIVES? Coordinated by the Attorney General’s Office of Attribution Officers Tributary since six months ago, Joad Limpieza’s company advertised a retention of the pages, by the General Administrator, Paloma Aguilar Correa. At the end of this year, its representatives will send a statement to the SAT holder, Raquel Buenrostro —with a copy to Secretary Rogelio Ramírez of the O— he will call a meeting with the prosecutions and demand full compliance with the contractual obligations.

Alberto Aguirre


Vital signs

Journalist and columnist of El Economista, author of Doña Perpetua: the power and opulence of Elba Esther Gordillo. Elba Esther Gordillo against SEP.

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