The population will lose more than a million inhabitants in 2021

The Russian population recorded a decline of more than one million inhabitants in 2021, a record since the fall of the Soviet Unionparticularly affected by the pandemic of coronavirusinforms este viernes the official statistical office of Rosstat.

Last year, the country lost 1.04 million inhabitants, up from 688,700 in 2020, mainly declining to a 15.1% mortality rate increase, while births did not include a significant decline, Rosstat said.

The main cause of this mortality was the Covid-19which between 2020 and 2021 was related to the decade of 660,000 people.

Rosstat suelen’s figures are very superior to those of the governor, with a balance of 329,443 coronavirus deaths.

Russia is facing a pandemic with a slow evacuation campaign, as no means of confinement and ignoring the recommended sanitary facilities, such as the use of mascarillas in public transport.

The dates revealed are these fours show the president’s difficulty Vladimir Putin reverting a demographic crisis in Russia’s quarters has been going on for three decades.

The generation that faced the economic, social and moral debacle of the Soviet Union 30 years ago is the one that is currently in the process of progressing, but it must not show any enthusiasm in doing so.

Russia’s fecundity rate is currently 1.5 deaths per woman, much to the detriment of the 2.1 needed to guarantee demographic recovery.

According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2022, Russia’s population was 145.47 million.

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