The Pegasus crisis and the government puzzle: sedition, wiretapping by the CNI and pardons

The wiretapping crisis with Pegasus is a recurring crisis in ERC’s support for the Government of Pedro Sanchez. Without this issue, the reform of the labor reform of Mariano Rajoyfor example, was lost and came out ahead in a fluke, with the miraculous wrong vote of a PP deputy.

Now is the decree to face the energy crisis Yet the ukrainian warwhich will be processed as a bill, the one that seemed to place Sánchez on the edge of the precipice, and which, if there are no errors in the vote, will get EH Bildu out of trouble.

But the root of this recurring crisis is a structural problem. Sánchez supported Rajoy in the application of the article 155 of the Constitution in Catalonia in October 2017. Already in the Government, the State Attorney General’s Office and the Ministry of Justice -in charge of Consuelo Castro Y Dolores Delgadorespectively– elaborated a legal qualification in the trial of the leaders of the ‘procés’, which the court presided over by Manuel Marchena assumed, according to which the events of September and October 2017 fit into a sedition crimeinstead of the crime of rebellion defended by the prosecutors in the case.

The high sentences for sedition were, therefore, urged by the State Attorney, represented by the lawyer Rosa Maria Seoane.

From 2017 to 2020

And before, during the investigation of the events, in 2017, under the Rajoy government and the vice-presidency of Soraya Saenz de Santamaria –then the government official of the National Intelligence Center (CNI)–, on the one hand, and the investigating court number 13 of Barcelona, ​​in charge of the magistrate Juan Antonio Ramirez Sunyeron the other, made telephone interventions to independence leaders before the “insurrection” – lieutenant colonel of the civil guard Daniel Baena dixit– that threatened the “indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation” (Article 2 of the Constitution).

It is true that there have also been listening to the CNI later, until 2020, according to a complaint by Citizen Labfrom the University of Toronto.

And these wiretaps, like the previous ones by the CNI, have been authorized by the binomial CNI-magistrate of the Supreme Court, almost always, paul luke, member of the Third Chamber. Or the substitute magistrate (Julian Sanchez Melgar either Andres Martinez Arrietamagistrates of the Second Chamber).

The Government of Pedro Sánchez, as part of its policy of “deflation & rdquor;undertook the task of partially pardoning (he had already served an important part of the sentence in prison), with relentless criticism, although not binding because it was partial pardonsof the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, according to which Sánchez departed from the sentences to subsist thanks to the support of the political force of those who benefited from the pardon (ERC).

Robles gets in front

In the parliamentary fray last Wednesday, the Defense Minister, Margaret Oaksa magistrate from the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court in her last stage, that is, from the one that forms the magistrate paul luke, has defended the action of the CNI putting his body in front. In other words, he has come to say that whoever attacks the intelligence service must in any case ask for his head. Bingo! The president’ Pere Aragones He has listened to him and has requested his resignation.

Robles does not improvise. Loyal to Sánchez from the first hour, she later accompanied him in the “it’s not no” to the investiture of Rajoy and now it is its main asset in the war in Ukraine, due to the role of the Spanish Army, delivery of weapons to the Zelensky Government through.

If they want to end Peace Esteban Lopez, director of the CNI, Robles meant in the Cortes, they will have to finish me off first. That is to say: here you don’t ask for forgiveness, here you don’t hesitate. She knows, then, the Minister of Defense that she is not in any danger and perhaps that is why she has been defiant.

What exit is there?

In the Government it is assumed that everyone knows that the CNI spies. It’s like in the movie ‘Casablanca’, when Captain Renault shows up at Rick’s cafe and explains that he has decided to close it: “What a scandal, what a scandal, I have discovered that they play here! & Rdquor ;.

The Government, therefore, wants the listening situation to be examined in the Official Secrets Commission for what has been constituted incorporating the “listened”: CKD Y EH Bildu.

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One of the conclusions that should be drawn is that the binomial CNI-magistrate of the Supreme which has the sole right to resolve the authorization has broken out.

And for this, at least, it should be incorporated into the fiscal Ministeryas guarantor of legality, to report on the requests made by the CNI.

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