The extension of the investigations to the emeritus king or the sale of the bear skin

  • What has happened to the three proceedings on Juan Carlos I that will all be postponed in the next few hours?

What would be the most appropriate Spanish saying to understand what is happening with the three investigations into allegedly illegal activities of Juan Carlos I that will be extended in the next few hours for another six months? Undoubtedly: do not sell the bear’s skin before hunting it.

On Tuesday, October 5, the group of prosecutors in charge of the proceedings since the first week of June 2020 considered that those proceedings should be archived. They communicated it that same afternoon, when night fell on Madrid, to the State Attorney General, Dolores Delgado. The following day, first thing in the morning, the same prosecutors warned that the news had been leaked point-blank and it was anticipated that the event would occur within a few weeks. The courtroom prosecutor in charge of the proceedings, Juan Ignacio Campos, did not participate in the meeting. A few days later, he insisted. The file will be before December 17 because, otherwise, the proceedings should be extended by decree.

The letter rogatory to Switzerland and the regularization

This newspaper asked the prosecutor Campos – who clarified that there were pending proceedings – about the situation on November 4 in view of the fact that the announced file did not see the light of day. In particular, a letter rogatory to Switzerland on data from the Zagatka foundation, entity that has paid Juan Carlos I invoices for the rental of private planes before and after his abdication, and for which the emeritus has presented a regularization before the Tax Agency of 4.4 million euros. For his part, the chief prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Alexander LuzonIt later pointed out that, to decide to extend the proceedings for another six months, only the pending proceedings were assessed.

One of them, as noted, is a complementary letter rogatory sent mainly on the accounts of the Zagatka foundation of 2015 because the tax experts who examine the regularization of Juan Carlos I need to know that information.

Those buyers of the bear pelt before it was hunted – the leaks of the archive – now invoice the sellers of that pelt, because one of the three proceedings has already been extended and in the next few hours the extension of the other two will take place. A prosecutor from the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office finalized the draft decree on Tuesday to pass it on to the signature of the State Attorney General.

The AVE of Mecca and the transfers of a Mexican tycoon

The proceedings already extended for another six months, at the beginning of December, refer to the investigation of a Jersey ‘trust’ in which, according to Sepblac – Spain’s Financial Intelligence Unit – alleged links with individuals appeared. related to Juan Carlos I (Manuel de Prado and Colón de Carvajal Y Joaquin Romero-Maura). Now the proceedings on the AVE Medina-Mecca of Saudi Arabia and those of the transfers of the Mexican magnate residing in London will be extended Allen Sanginés-Krause and the presumed figurehead of the emeritus, the colonel of the air Nicolas Murga.

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Sources consulted by this newspaper indicate that, in addition to the Swiss letter rogatory pending a response, there are other errands still unfinished. These are two expert reports from the tax experts. One on the Jersey ‘trust’ and another on the donations of the Mexican magnate. These proceedings explain why the extension of the three investigations has been unavoidable.

The preliminary decision to archive the proceedings is still in force, according to prosecutors told this newspaper. Under these conditions, with incomplete proceedings, no matter how much desire to archive there is, it seems inevitable to wait. At least to save the forms.

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