The Doctoralia dating platform has registered 70,000 citations in Nuevo León

Monterrey, NL. With the pandemic and the home office, medical appointment platforms with specialists have had strong growth in 2021 compared to last year. Doctoralia has grown 200% in the number of patients who make an appointment, with almost 900,000 appointments; 70,000 of them were held in Nuevo León, he told The Economist, Adrián Alcántara, general director of Doctoralia for Mexico.

“We are almost reaching 900,000 appointments scheduled between specialists and patients on our platform, it is a number that grows month by month. In Nuevo León, 70,000 appointments are scheduled each month, distributed among the more than 5,000 specialists that we have registered in the entity, “he said.

In Nuevo León, he explained, the specialties most sought by users are: psychology, gynecology, nutrition, dermatology and odontology, “In reality it is very similar to the behavior that exists at the national level, we consider that the specialties that have become more relevant, including psychology, have a lot to do with the state we are living in this new reality.”

“The mental health of people in the country has become more and more important, and Nuevo León is one of the cases where demand is much more marked,” he said.

From the platform what they have observed in these months of coronavirus pandemic, he narrated, is that the population leaves their home very little and they have the possibility of having a consultation, not only in person, but also virtual in some specialties in which it is easier to migrate to a video consultation to continue receiving medical attention.

Part of the demand for appointments through Doctoralia has to do with these factors, as well as with the global trend, of the population that is paying more attention to their mental and physical health.

Robust platform

The web platform you built Doctoralia, connects the specialist with the patient, and has been growing due to the technology that they have developed during four years of presence in Mexico, supported by innovation that has been refined to be able to adapt to the needs of the health sector, explained the manager.

“Today Doctoralia is a platform that not only serves individual specialists, but also clinics, hospitals, laboratories, we have applications to digitize hospital telephones, which are part of our client portfolio, all this with the support for a mobile or desktop device ”, he detailed.

Doctoralia has established itself in these four years as the leading platform that connects specialists with patients in the 32 states of the Republic. Its objective is to increase its presence in health centers, clinics and hospitals, for this it has a robust management software.

“We are turning our efforts to continue growing and having B2B technology with all the actors that are operating in Mexico,” said Adrián Alcántara.

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