The Court suspends the INE agreement and orders the organization of the mandate revocation process

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) admitted for processing the constitutional controversy promoted by the Chamber of Deputies against the agreement approved by the National Electoral Institute (INE) to postpone the process of revocation of the presidential mandate.

With the admission of controversy 224/2021, the SCJN Recess Commission determined to grant the suspension requested by the Lower House to prevent the OTHER execute the agreement and thus continue with the organization and development of this process with the budget of 1,503 million pesos, which the INE counselors have warned is insufficient.

It should be remembered that on Friday, December 17, the General Council of the National Electoral Institute (OTHER), in a vote divided 6 in favor and 5 against, decided to suspend the holding of the recall consultation on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, scheduled for April 10, 2022, until the electoral body has a sufficient budget to organize the exercise.

During Friday’s session, the presiding counselor of the OTHER, Lorenzo Córdova Vianello, emphasized that, even setting savings goals, the agency only managed to collect 1,503 million of the 3,831 million pesos that it claims are needed to carry out the mandate revocation process.

“With the granting of the suspension, the continuity of a democratic and citizen exercise is favored,” argued the Recess Commission of the SCJN and stressed that the second paragraph of Article 29 of the Mexican Political Constitution establishes that political rights cannot be restricted or suspended in a general way.

Given this, the SCJN warned that the National Electoral Institute puts at risk the timely exercise of the right of citizens to decide.

The Commission indicated that the “suspensive measure” must take effect immediately and without the need to grant any guarantee.

Earlier this Wednesday, the electoral councilor Ciro Murayama said that the judges would have the last word in this regard since the INE had already filed a constitutional controversy before the SCJN in which they argued the lack of budget to carry out this democratic exercise.

It should be noted during the morning conference last Monday at the National Palace, President López Obrador urged the OTHER reconsider your decision to postpone the revocation of mandate and carry out the consultation with the resources you have.

The president insisted that, in his opinion, it is possible that citizens can carry out the revocation consultation; However, he said that he would await the resolution of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power (TEPJF) or the SCJN.

“And if we could do it, of course we can, but the most convenient thing is that there be an act of rectification by the INE itself, because they are not right. Why wait for the Electoral Tribunal or the Supreme Court to amend or correct the plan? It would be very welcome if they develop an alternative plan these days, ”López Obrador commented.


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