The Court of Auditors files a case against Colau for minor contracts

  • The agency considers that the analyzed awards, which add up to 290,000 euros, correspond to real works

The Court of Auditors has filed a case against Barcelona City Council open in relation to minor contracts, those that do not require competition. The alleged irregularities were detected in a control report of the city councils of cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants, and the process has concluded in file of the cause because there is no evidence that there is any damage to the municipal coffers, according to what El Diario has advanced.

The decision of the supervisory body is good news for the government of Ada Colau, which has faced several cases on different fronts in recent years, essentially real estate and water management, and has seen a dozen end up shelved. In this case there is no private behind the complaint and the contracts analyzed by the Court of Auditors do not affect a millionaire amount: they add up to 292,000 euros.

Audit report

According to the order in which the court reports the filing of the case, it began because the prosecutor detected irregularities in the context of the ‘Inspection Report on Minor Hiring Held by Town Halls with More Than 500,000 Inhabitants, Year 2016’.

The text indicates that last March, the investigating delegate concluded that of the facts analyzed “the existence of any assumption of accounting responsibility does not follow by scope to public funds & rdquor; having been “solved & rdquor; the irregularities.

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The car reports that the prosecutor expressed “his agreement & rdquor; with the decision of the instructor “for understanding that the actions carried out allow verifying that in all the contracts questioned the effective performance of the contracted services has taken place to the satisfaction of the local Administration, not having been detrimental to the funds of the city council & rdquor ;.

In other words, the economic resources that the city council dedicated to these contracts have resulted in real jobs that have been verified.

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