‘The Commune of Happiness’, the new report by ‘Investigation Team’ on laSexta

laSexta broadcasts tonight, at 10:30 p.m., a new installment of ‘Research Team’, which will focus on Ayahusca, the latest hallucinogenic substance in fashion in Spain. In this report entitled ‘The commune of happiness’, the space interviews the largest Ayahuasca businessman in the world, Alberto Varela, an Argentine based in Madrid. It says that Ayahuasca cures addictions, depression and even eating disorders. The Ayahuasca businessman has a turnover of almost 2 million euros a year. He has more than 60 people working in his organization, however, he barely pays social security, why?

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The program discovers that its employees are not registered, they are volunteers who work for it for free. His accounts increase day by day thanks to the rituals that he celebrates every weekend in a chalet in a town in Madrid. Living the experience costs an average of 300 euros and several former workers say that most of the organization’s money is B money.

Gloria Serra’s program talks with some former followers of Alberto Varela, they assure that they take you away from your relatives to dedicate yourself body and soul to the organization and some are even forced to vote for silence. Unmistakable features that according to Guillermo Fouce, a doctor of psychology, has described as sectarian.


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