The American Medical Agency limits Johnson & Johnson’s anti-Covid vaccine access

The American medical agency announced that it would limit the anti-Covid vaccine from Johnson & Johnson to Seoul for adults refusing d’être vaccinés avec Pfizer ou Moderna pour cause d’«personal concerns», even if they need to receive an injection of ces deux derniers vaccins pour des raisons medicales ou d’accès limited.

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The FDA declared a prior decision to cause risk of serious thrombosis (formation of blood vessels) associated with the «J&J» vaccine.

For cette même raison, the main public health agency of the country, the CDC, avait déjà recommandé in December aux Américains de se injected contra le Covid-19 avec Pfizer et Moderna, plutôt qu’avec Johnson & Johnson. Ces trois vaccins sont les seuls autorisés dans le pays.

The limitation was inadvertently an integral part of the authorization for the urgent use of ‘J&J’s vaccinations.

The FDA reviewed 60 confirmed cases of thromboses aux États-Unis, dont neuf décès. A few more than 19 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine were administered in the country, only 3% of the total doses injected.

The frequency of thrombosis is 3.23 per million doses administered, a detail of the American agency.

Malgré tout, “we recognize that Janssen’s anti-Covid vaccine will play a role today in response to the current pandemic,” a statement by Peter Marks, head of the FDA, said in a statement.

The agency detailed three examples of people who could help receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine:

– Individuals present a risk of severe allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock) to a vaccine injection to RNA messager, such as Pfizer and Moderna

– the people have a limited access to Pfizer et Moderna vaccins for questions about availability

– and finally, the individuals “ayant des inquiétudespersonalles à recevoir un vaccin à ARNm”, et qui resteraient sans cela non vaccinés

The technology of the RNA messager, who has never been used to great advantage in advance of the vaccines against Covid-19, is the number of nameuses theories of the plot, although it has been demonstrated that there are three sure.

A rare risk of myocardites (inflammation of the cardiac muscle) was detected after injections from Pfizer or Moderna, notably among young male adolescents, plus the vast majority of cases and severe cases, sometimes at court hospitalizations.

The FDA ensures continued monitoring of vaccine-related vaccines.

“Notre action reflète la robustesse de nore système de vigilante, et nore engagement à nous insurancer de suivre la science et les données dans nos decisions”, to souligné Peter Marks.

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