Tennis Elbow Is Not Exclusive to Athletes: Signs, Prevention, and Treatments 

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Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that occurs when elbow tendons are subjected to repetitive motion and strain, causing them to overwork and be In pain.

Believe it or not, professional tennis players are not the only ones who are subjected to this condition. Rather, anybody who regularly uses repetitive motions in the wrists and arms can develop tennis elbow, whether they be construction workers, artists, plumbers, or those who frequently sit at a desk and use a computer mouse for hours on end.

The following is an in-depth look at tennis elbow, including treatment options, preventative care, and symptoms.

Treatments for Tennis Elbow

If you’re suffering from tennis elbow, chiropractic treatment is very effective in relieving some of its symptoms. By seeing a chiropractor in Vancouver, they will be able to help you determine the cause of your tennis elbow and treat it with chiropractic treatments such as:

Making adjustments and movements to the wrists and elbows that help to reduce inflammation and compression stress within the joints

Using electrical muscle stimulation techniques helps to promote an increase in blood circulation, promote healing, and reduce tightness within the muscles.

Helping to remove scar tissues or adhesions within the muscles and tendons through myofascial release.

Preventative Care

One of the best things you can do to prevent tennis elbow from occurring in the first place is to take the time for proper stretching and exercise.

Stretching helps a person strengthen their muscles over time and reduces the risks of them seizing up. A good stretch for preventing tennis elbow is to straighten out your arm, and pull your gingers slowly towards your body, holding this position for roughly one minute. Afterwards, you then pull your fingers downwards, facing the floor, and hold this position for another minute.

Another great exercise is a squeeze and release technique, using an object such as a stress ball or, ironically, a tennis ball. Grip the ball in your hand, and repeat squeezing and releasing it for 2-3 minutes at a time, several times a day.

If you know in advance you will be performing repetitive motions with your wrists and elbows, wearing an elbow brace can help take the strain off of yourself during the motions such as lifting, typing, and gripping. 

Signs You May Have Tennis Elbow

The primary symptom that you may have tennis elbow is a sharp pain in the bit of bone around your elbow area, where the tendons connect themselves. This pain may extend itself to both the upper and lower parts of the arm as well.

Primarily, those with tennis elbow notice the pain most while performing the following activities:

  • Gripping objects or making fists
  • Straightening out wrists
  • Lifting objects
  • Typing on keyboard
  • Opening drawers and doors

Unfortunately, tennis elbow does not often go away on its own after the condition has settled in, and requires the care of a health professional, such as a chiropractor or family doctor to help alleviate the symptoms.

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