Taliban public hanging returns in Afghanistan

The Taliban hanged a corpse on Saturday from a crane parked in a public square in a city in Afghanistan in a gruesome demonstration that signals the return of some brutal practices of the past.

The Taliban first brought four bodies to Herat town’s central plaza, then moved three to other parts of the city for public display, said Wazir Ahmad Seddiqi, who runs a pharmacy near the city. the place.

Taliban officials said the four men were caught participating in a kidnapping earlier on Saturday and were killed by police, Wazir Ahmad Seddiqi said.

Ziaulhaq Jalali, the Taliban-appointed district police chief in Herat, later said Taliban operatives rescued a father and son who were kidnapped by four kidnappers after an exchange of gunfire. He said a Taliban fighter and a civilian were injured by the kidnappers and they were killed in crossfire.

Associated Press video shows a crowd gathering around the crane. Passers-by watch the body as men shout.

“The purpose of this action is to alert all criminals that they are not safe,” a Taliban commander who did not identify himself in a camera interview at the square told The Associated Press. .

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