Senate endorses extension for third stage of labor reform

The plenary session of the Chamber of Senators unanimously approved -104 votes- the minute that modifies the Fifth transitory article of the decree that reforms the Federal Labor Law, Organic Law of the Judicial Power of the Federation, Federal Law of the Public Defender, Law of the Institute of the National Fund for Housing for Workers and the Social Security Law, on labor justice, freedom of association and collective bargaining, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on May 1, 2019.

In accordance with the decree sent to the federal Executive for its promulgation, the term for the start of functions of the local labor institutions corresponding to the third stage of the aforementioned legal amendment, which expires on May 1, was extended to October 3.

The Fifth transitory article, previously approved by the Lower House and ratified, without changes, by the Senate, establishes: “Deadline for the commencement of functions of the Local Conciliation Authority and Local Courts. The local Conciliation Centers and the Courts of the Judicial Power of the Federal Entities will begin activities no later than October 3, 2022, in terms of what is established by their own regulations and budget possibilities, as determined by their local powers. The local Conciliation Centers must start operating in each federal entity, on the same date that the Local Courts do so, in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Decree.

When substantiating the ruling in court, Napoleón Gómez Urrutia explained that the five-month extension for the entry into operation of the conciliatory authorities and the local labor courts in the 11 of 12 states that make up the third stage of implementation of the labor reform responds to the complexity of the issues that are resolved in these demarcations.

“That extension will guarantee the positive results that we have seen so far in the previous two stages.” The president of the Labor and Social Welfare Commission assured that with the 2019 labor reform, important advances have been made in favor of justice, democracy and freedom of association for the working class of Mexico.

As an example, he said that the local conciliation centers that began to operate in the entities that make up the first stage of implementation have admitted more than 93,000 conciliation requests, of which 83.7 percent have been completed.

“In addition, in collective matters, 738 applications have been admitted, of which 711 have already been completed, which represents 96.3% of the total. This is the most remarkable proof that labor courts and judges can expedite the administration of justice, even with oral trials.”

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