Scholz rejects the grand coalition in Germany and looks at Greens and Liberals: the possible alliances

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The Social Democratic candidate for the German Chancellery, Olaf Scholz, pointed out today that the position of his conservative rival, Armin Laschet, is in the opposition and ratified his willingness to form a coalition with the Greens and the Liberal Party (FDP).

“The CDU and the CSU have not only suffered heavy losses, but have also received from the elector the message that they must go to the opposition,” said Scholz, before entering the meeting of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) to analyze the situation.

“Our job now is to apply pragmatism and leadership to the task of forming a government,” he added, for which he intends to initiate contacts with Greens and liberals.

Possible coalitions

The negotiations are expected to be tough for all parties. The SPD and the Greens mix better politically, but both parties find the FDP’s agenda problematic. Social democrats and environmentalists want, among other things, to carry out tax increases that the liberals refuse. Never before has there been such a coalition in the German government. It is Scholz’s turn to explore as yet unknown avenues of politics.

The CDU and the FDP, for their part, are natural allies in the center-right. Including the Greens in a federal coalition would be, in addition to something unprecedented, the path that could lead Laschet to replace Merkel despite having been narrowly defeated in the appointment with the polls on Sunday.

“In the 1969 elections, the CDU clearly won, but from those elections the Social Democrat was elected Chancellor Willy Brandt“, says Marshall, alluding to a previous case in which the ‘losing’ candidate knew how to prevail in negotiations.” What matters is to form a majority, “concludes this expert.

After the 2017 elections, conservatives, liberals and environmentalists failed in an attempt to form such a coalition. Much of Laschet’s political future depends on succeeding where Merkel failed four years ago.


The SPD was imposed yesterday as the first force by 25.7% of the votes, which represents an increase of 5.2% compared to those obtained in 2017.

The conservative bloc – made up of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its sister Social Christian Union of Bavaria (CSU) – obtained 24.1%, a drop of 8.9 points and the worst result in its history.

Despite this, Laschet announced last night his willingness to try to lead the next government, for which he is considering seeking an alliance with Greens and Liberals.

Environmental education obtained the best result in its history, with 14.8%, an increase of 5.8 points compared to 2017. The FDP was in fourth position, with 11.5%, 0.7 points more than four years ago.

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