Sask. university student talks to Ukrainian president in video stream

A University of Saskatchewan graduate was one of the students on a live video stream call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Zelenskyy held the video call with students from various Canadian universities, including the U of S, Universite de Montreal, the University of Alberta, Western University and Dalhousie University on Wednesday.

During the session, he took questions from the students, including one from Quinn Rozwadowski, a graduate from the U of S College of Arts and Science, according to the U of S website.

“As a young person here in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, I am greatly concerned by the increasing self-centered nationalism and flagging commitment to promoting democracy around the world that I see here in North America,” Rozwadowski said.

“How do we fix this problem and convince our neighbors that the ideal of democracy is worth fighting and sacrificing for, even on the other side of the planet?”

In his response, Zelenskyy said his country was fighting for important values.

“This is what life is about,” he said. “This is about the right of choice, the most precious of what we have and the deepest sense of democracy. Your own right to choose for your life, and we are protecting this.”

Rozwadowski said he plans to further his education and become a judge or politician so he can make a positive impact on the world.

“I am blown away that I had the chance to meet President Zelenskyy today. I try my hardest every day to follow the conflict in Ukraine, and this has been a great opportunity.”

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