Roblox video game site gradually resets after two-day outage

The site of video game Roblox began restoring service on Sunday after a two-day outage that left millions of users without access to online gambling over the weekend of Halloween.

“We have identified the root cause and the solution,” the California-based collaborative platform wrote on Twitter, adding that it was “working to get things back online.”

By Sunday afternoon, Roblox announced that it was “gradually bringing regions back online,” after the site had been down since Friday.

The Roblox website displays a notice that says, “We are doing even more amazing things. We will be back soon.”

In a statement to The Verge magazine, Roblox clarified that its website was not down due to an “external intrusion.”

“We believe that we have identified an underlying internal cause of the blackout without evidence of an external intrusion,” explained a spokesperson.

With their type avatars Lego and easy-to-learn coding for budding programmers, the online gaming app has grown into a thriving club for young players, most of them no older than 16.

The Roblox platform currently has about 33 million users.

Roblox also pays its beginner and advanced game creators through microtransactions.

The gaming site went public on Wall Street in March, at $ 70 a share, and was worth $ 84 at the close of business on Friday, for a market capitalization of $ 48 billion.

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