Rechaza SCJN atraer case of Lydia Cacho

The First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) has recently closed the case of the prisoners of war by Kamel Nacif, embassy involved in an infantile prostitution ring and who was involved in the acts of torture against Lydia C según ha denunciado la misma periodista.

“The decision of the SCJN alone depends on the lack of conditions of impartiality in the case of Lydia Cacho, which prevails in the instances of Quintana Roo and which are required for access to justice”, lamented the organization Article 19.

The solicitation of attraction, following the refusal of the NGO, led by Minister Margarita Ríos Farjat, not least, the two ministers: Norma Piña, Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena, Juan Luis González Alcántara and Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo, propose.

On the part of the periodical written on Twitter: “We congratulate the SCJN that I would like to see the case to detain Kamel Nacif’s influenza traffic in the 4T, the FGR protects and refuses to arrest him for blasphemy of capital obtained through treatment of persons” .

And added: “The governor of López Obrador who reconciles my torture and forgives me, now he has no right to protect me and my family. The Judicial Power and the FGR (General Taxation of the Republic) protect those who intend to assassinate me and torture me, I can only deceive them. Impunidad mata ”.

In July 2021, a tribunal granted an injunction to Nacif against an order of appeals against the torturers in 2005 over Cacho.

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