PSC, ERC and JxCat also agree to renew the Council of Statutory Guarantees and the Audit Office

The PSC, ERC and JxCat have reached an agreement for the renewal of the Council of Statutory Guarantees and the Audit Office. This is the second part of the pact they reached on Wednesday to appoint new members in the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA), the Sindicatura de Greuges and the Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya (CAC), and concludes the update of the five most important organs of parliamentary appointment that had part of their members with expired mandate.

In the new batch of names, the one of Miquel Salazar, which in 2013 was already designated member of the Audit Office at the proposal of the PSC, as Síndic Major.

The three main groups of the Parliament have agreed that the names of the new members of the Consell de Garanties Estatutàries will be Eduard Roig, Mercè Barceló, Francesc Esteve, Laura Díez Bueno, Montse Rosell and Enoch Albertí. At the Audit Office, Salazar will be accompanied by the Síndics Llum Rodríguez, Ferran Roquer, Josep Viñas, Manel Rodríguez, Maria Àngels Cabasés and Anna Tarrach.

Wednesday’s agreement at the CCMA and the CAC has already been criticized by some professional groups: both the Col·legi de Periodistas de Catalunya and the TV-3 works council have protested a decision that they consider a “change of stickers “partisan. The CUP has also charged against the agreement, which it sees as a “return of sociovergence”.

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The Col·legi affirms in a statement that the renewal of organizations such as the CCMA and the CAC was urgent, but regrets that the opportunity to carry out an “open and transparent” remodeling has been lost. “Again, it has fallen into a shameless political marketing of chair exchange,” says the text.

For its part, the TV-3 works council qualifies the political pact as “disappointing” for having missed the opportunity to “dispartisan” the direction of the public media. The journalists consider that the chosen positions have a “marked identification with the parties that have designated them.”

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