Pretext for a war, by Rafael Vilasanjuan

Nor with him virus wreaking havoc there is respite for peace. The conflict on the border of Ukraine comes from afar, the novelty is that Vladimir Putin he is looking for a pretext to enter with his troops and open a new war front on the global map. When thirty years have passed since the Soviet Union was liquidated, to think that that solemn signature that disintegrated the Red Empire was the end of the story an error has been proven. Contrary to what Moscow may want, to regain dominance, or even just influence, in all those territories will be impossible, but to maintain a hybrid and unstable space west of the Russian border no.

The issue is not the Russian takeover of Ukraine, which already controls the Crimean peninsula and vast rebel areas in the east of the country. As long as the threat exists, Europe will be on its knees in front of the Kremlin, which after more than twenty years in the hands of Putin wants return to the global scene, recover a part of the lost space and reclaim itself as the great power that it was, before its fall. We are far from going back to the Cold War, but at a time when it seemed that world hegemony was returning to a binary relationship, now between the US and China, Putin doesn’t want to be ignored.

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Nothing better than a good crisis to announce the return. The Russian hand in Syria it was definitive to mark Obama and Trump who is in charge there; the threat to Ukraine is not minor. We are probably facing the worst crisis in Europe since the end of the Second World War. With the European defense in the hands of the American gendarme, before serving a year in the White House, Joe Biden already comes face to face with Putin. The Russian leader is already in the place where he wanted to be. Ukraine will not join NATO despite promises, as has already happened with Georgia. That would be the excuse, what we do not know is whether it is an ultimatum or the prelude to a war, which Ukraine does not deserve, nor is it convenient for the rest of the world.

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