PJF will give maternity and paternity leave to its workers from diverse families

The plenary session of the Federal Judicial Council (CJF) resolved to grant maternity and paternity leave to all forms of family, including non-pregnant people. The licenses will be given to all the workers that make up the Judicial Power of the Federation (PJF).

The plenary session of the CJF mentioned that recognition of the diversity of families is necessary to make the right to equality of all individuals and families a reality. It was considered fundamental in the case of homoparental familias.

“Thus, non-pregnant mothers should also have the right to access paternity leave,” said the CJF.

It specified that non-pregnant mothers also have the right to enjoy their period of lactation, in the terms established by the Federal Law of Workers at the Service of the State.

Since 2019, the CJF has implemented a comprehensive policy to institutionalize the gender perspective and materialize the substantive equality. Among the actions taken in this matter, the duration of paternity leave was equated with maternity leave to 90 calendar days; the possibility of enjoying paternity leave within the first 9 months after birth was established, and the temporality of leave in adoption cases was approved.

“With actions like this, the strategy of gender mainstreaming promoted by the Minister President Arturo Zaldívar consolidates and consolidates the PJF in the adoption of affirmative and corrective actions to institutionalize the gender perspective as a public policy ”, he stated.


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