Pegasus: Let’s Go Naked | Article by Emma Riverola

the pegasus series takes a twist in the script and the Government announces that Pedro Sánchez and Margarita Robles have been spied on for him software Israeli. The one that, in theory, only governments can buy. A new gap in society: iInfected or not by Pegasus. The case gives for a thousand disquisitions. Stone, paper or scissors: does the ‘Moncloagate’ crush, envelop or cut the ‘catalangate’?

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Long or short headlights: Foreign state or the subsoils of your own? To what extent are the pillars of our democracy undermined? Ellipsis or final point: How many more people and from what spheres of power have been spied on? Protection systems: Were the attacks detected immediately or did their detection fail seriously? And, perhaps most importantly, what will mark the future:Will face the matter bravely and courage to get to the truth?

The political derivatives of the Pegasus case they feel deep. With a more particular spirit, the gadget that we carry around all day weighs more and more. Nothing we don’t know. But if the people who are best able to protect their privacy are attacked, it is clear that The rest of us go naked. With treachery, complacency and invoice at the end of the month.

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