Pacic would reduce producer costs by 10%: Canainca

Acapulco, Gro. The Package against Inflation and Famine (Pacic) will impact on the reduction of costs to the producer in 10% -approximately- to create a “cushion” that cushions inflation and in turn to the stability of prices in the basic basket expected in the canned food industry, such as tuna, sardines and soups, said Jonás Murillo, the general director of the National Chamber of the Food Canning Industry (Canainca).

“Having the support that the Secretary of the Economy says, such as delaying the implementation of the Porte Letter, reducing tariffs, will help us a lot. The issue of security is fundamental, because it generates an additional cost for us to send a truck with surveillance or for it to be stolen, and that increases the insurance premiums, the costs in the end and that the government supports us, in the end it is good for stability. of prices, we as an industry have worked to be able to give the best possible price within our possibilities”, said the manager.

Interviewed in the framework of the Concamin Business Meeting 2022, the representative of the canned food industry stated that with the subsidies granted by the federal government “we could have an impact of 10%, which is the inflation that is having the cost of producing . The data is at 15% and what has increased consumer prices is that it does not even reach 8%”, therefore, inflation is lower for the consumer than for the producer.

Murillo specified that by reducing costs by 10%, the difference between consumer inflation and producer costs could be maintained.

“We have to maintain formal and well-paid jobs. We are not going to lower costs at the expense of the employees,” she said.

He recalled that the sector faces an increase in raw material costs, especially in glass, steel and aluminum container supplies. While, he said, there is no shortage, they are up. “Glass, aluminum and steel have risen 10%. Glass, for example, has risen a lot, due to the price of gas, really the great impact of the glass that is manufactured is the consumption of gas, since the price of gas has risen a lot, from where we are seeing that repercussion in prices”, he added. Jonas Murillo.

On the surveillance of Profeco in the basic basket, the director commented that “the price issue should not be entering, we live in a market system of free competition.”

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