Options at 25% in Spanish at school: Mathematics in Spanish, Physical Education in Catalan

  • The president of the Consell Lingüistic Assessor proposes to abide by the ruling of the TSJC but at the same time ensure that the rest of the school works in Catalan

  • Rosa Sensat calls on Som Escola to take a unified position in defense of the Catalan school model

The TSJC has once again tightened the Catalan school with the resolution in which it gives the Department of Education 15 days to apply the ruling that obliges all schools in Catalonia to teach 25% of classes in Spanish. “In Catalonia there is no linguistic conflict, but in the end there will end up being”, lamented this Tuesday the president of the Association of Mestres Rosa SensatFrancina Marti. This entity claimed to the platform We are School, in which 50 associations from the educational field are represented, a united position. And it is that since Monday various voices have emerged on how to respond to the court’s ultimatum.

One of those voices is that of the president of the Consell Lingüístic Assessor of the Government, Carme Junyent, who in statements to TV-3 in a personal capacity has asked Educació to comply with the sentence but to take care of guaranteeing that the students “effectively” know Catalan and speak it. “If one more subject in Spanish resolves the dispute, I am in favor. But on one condition: that the spontaneous uses, the dining room, the non-teaching staff of the center work in Catalan”. “Let us defend ourselves, even complying,” she has said. And he has proposed teaching the Mathematics subject in Spanish, which is a core subject as requested by the court, and ensuring that in the rest of the subjects, be it Physical Education, Music, or Science, the students use Catalan.

“If what we want is for Catalan to survive, let’s work on it,” he said. Junyent’s approach in asking Educació to really take care of ensuring that Catalan is the language of use at school is based on a reality that she herself has explained: “the THAT has worked as if there was no immersion. When you ask secondary school teachers why they teach in Spanish, they tell you that it is so that the students understand them. Here is the failure. And here the Department has not entered.

“More Catalan” next year

Precisely this Tuesday, the Government has “committed” that next year the schools will teach “more Catalan”. the spokeswoman, Patricia Plaja, has assured that the Executive will make “all efforts” to increase the use of the Catalan language in the classroom. And he has mentioned actions in shared spaces such as the patio, the dining room or in conversation groups. In this sense, he has said that the Government is finalizing a “shock plan” to reinforce the Catalan school model.

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On the other hand, Junyent has made the TJSC ugly because “it does not know how a school works” since, on the one hand, talking about core subjects is an “entelechy” in a competency education model in which many schools work across various subjects. And on the other, he has questioned that the immediate application of the sentence is required when there is little more than a month to finish the course.

The disobedience It is another option that has been launched by entities such as the teachers’ union youtec. “It’s the only option,” says her spokesperson, Iolanda Segura. From Rosa Sensat, they demand “more legal coverage” from the Generalitat so that teachers “can continue doing our job” and “defending Catalan in the classroom”, because it is the language that “is in decline compared to Spanish”, has assured Francine Marti. The president of Rosa Sensat has insisted, in the face of approaches such as disobedience, that the important thing is to adopt a united position in defense of the Catalan school. This is what Martí expects from the emergency plenary session that Som Escola is holding this afternoon to analyze the situation and adopt a “forceful” response.

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