One small step for Île Verte, one giant leap for its conservation

This small plot of 13,000 m2 is located at the eastern tip of the island, very close to the wharf of Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs. The land, which has been on sale for several years, is in addition to those already held by the Regroupement, all in the same area.

The objective is to prevent any real estate development in order to preserve the ecosystem of this island environment, known to be home to around thirty species of birds and to attract several marine mammals.

The vice-president of the organization, Gilbert Delage, is of the opinion that the Municipality of Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs has an excellent urban plan which ensures that the environment is protected in many respects. . He adds that the municipal regulations are also rather strict. If we want to go further, I think we have to go by acquisition and by servitude. It’s like the last way to decrease the human density on the Islandmentions Mr. Delage.

Approximately 10% of the territory of the Island is currently considered to be a protected area, either through the purchase of land by the organization or through the conclusion of easement agreements. The Regroupement pour la pérennité de l’île Verte estimates that this proportion could reach 20% over the next few years.

A different view

The mayor, Louise Newbury, however, does not share the same. The one who was elected in 1999 believes that the regulations adopted by the municipality are largely sufficient and above all, that they allow everyone to access the majestic St. Lawrence.

When we did that, 30 years ago, we were told that it didn’t make sense, that we were choosing our neighbors, that we were too strict. After that, a few years later, people started saying we were visionaries. »

A quote from Louise Newbury, Mayor of Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs

She says her Municipality has found the right balance between development and preservation. It is indeed forbidden to build anything within 50 to 100 meters of the high water mark, depending on whether it is the south or north shore of the island. This preservation strip even climbs 300 meters in the area of ​​the lighthouse.

The lighthouse and lighthouse on Green Island.

The lighthouse and lighthouse on Green Island. (archives)

Photo: Radio-Canada / Marie-Christine Rioux

She says she supported the initiative of the Regroupement for the sustainability of Île Verte, but she insists that the shoreline remain accessible to the community. We think it’s a success what we did thirty years ago proudly asserts Ms. Newbury, who sat on the planning committee in 1995.

The organization will shortly begin talks to acquire a 6and land to be protected, adjacent to the others. Gilbert Delage also mentions that two accesses to the river will be developed in this sector.

The purchase of the land recently acquired by the Regroupement pour la pérennité de l’île Verte was made possible thanks to funding from the Fondation de la faune du Québec. The idea is really to protect areas of wildlife interest, explains Christine Bélanger, senior program and development manager at the Foundation. The one who participated closely in the acquisition of the land wants to be reassuring.

It must be said, protection is not putting up a glass bell and saying that there is no longer anyone who has the right to go there. »

A quote from Christine Bélanger, Quebec Wildlife Foundation

Christine Bélanger insists, it is possible to use this territory without losing sight of the protection of species. According to her, we can reconcile the uses by allowing hiking there, while raising public awareness through interpretation panels.

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