OAS will reward the SCJN for policies in favor of women

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) and the Council of the Federal Judiciary (CJF) will receive from the Organization of American States (OAS) the “Inter-American Award for Good Practices for Women’s Leadership”, Minister Arturo Zaldívar announced.

She indicated that with this award she will recognize the Judicial Power of the Federation (PJF) as the Institution with the best public policies for the leadership of women in the continent.

The award ceremony will take place within the framework of the IX Summit of the Americas, on June 9, 2022 in the city of Los Angeles, United States.

This prize, awarded by the Organization of American States Through the Inter-American Commission of Women, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and other international and civil society organizations, it seeks to recognize and expand public policies that empower women and increase their representation in leadership positions.

The Federal Judiciary In the last two years, it has implemented a comprehensive strategy in three axes to achieve gender equality within its ranks and in all its sentences.

Minister Zaldívar argued that in the period from 2019 to 2022, the Council of the Federal Judicature appointed more female federal judges and magistrates than any other administration, through rules that guarantee equal opportunities within the Judiciary, as well as affirmative actions specifically focused on closing gender gaps.

In addition, he said, the Federal Judiciary Council and the Supreme Court have transformed the work environment with the implementation of zero tolerance policies for harassment and gender violence, as well as the adoption of a series of cutting-edge measures to reconcile life personal and work, and break the gender stereotypes that impose burdens of care exclusively on them.

(With information from Jorge Monroy.)


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