Nuevo León government delivers 2022 fiscal package to state Congress

Monterrey, NL. The Secretary of Finance and General Treasurer of the state, Carlos Garza Ibarra, delivered to the state Congress the tax package 2022, which includes the budget requests of the powers and autonomous bodies, the initiative of the Income Law, and the Law of Expenditures and Annexes and for the first time in more than a six-year term, a balanced budget is presented, that is, without deficit, assured.

The Expenses budget proposed by the state Executive for the next year is 117,743 million pesos, a figure 6.5% higher than that of 2021, in real terms, said the official.

The documents were received by the president of the local Congress, the deputy Ivonne Álvarez, of the PRI and by the president of the Budget Committee Norma Edith Benítez de MC.

Along with the Fiscal Package, the treasurer delivered to the legislators and the media the document: “50 shares for the new Nuevo León”, which highlights that total revenues increase 16.2% compared to 2021, having a projected recovery of own income of the order of 19,728 million pesos.

It also highlights that federal holdings They increase 20.8%, for an amount of 50,804 million pesos, due to the population growth in the distribution of these resources and the income strengthening policies established for next year.

The document indicates that through the infrastructure projects that the state government intends to carry out as of 2022, more than 7,500 direct jobs and up to 15,000 indirect jobs will be created due to the multiplier effect of investment in infrastructure.

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