Monegal’s criticism: Anchovies for the emeritus if he settles in Cantabria

Taking advantage of the fact that Vox has just proposed that the emeritus Juan Carlos settle definitively in the Palace of Sobrellano, in Comillas, in ‘El intermedia’ they have speculated about how he would have received the proposal Miguel Angel Revilla President of Cantabria

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They first brought out what he said recently in ‘El hormiguero’, exclaiming very pained and stunned: «It is the great disappointment of my life! I have discovered that he is a tax evader…what a disappointment!”. And then Wyoming, unsheathing sarcasm, pointed out: Oh! How the relationship between Revilla and the emeritus has changed!” and he put on the screen that cover of his book in which he is seen kneeling, like a servile lackey, fastening the laces of the shoes of Juan Carlos. They added as a final extravagance: «To avoid upsets to Revilla we will prohibit him from entering this palace, and incidentally we will take away the TV because it comes out too much». In other words, the one who has been a talisman for television audiences, from now on they may call him less. The topic may seem anecdotal but it has depth. When Wyoming exclaimed, caustic, “How the relationship between Revilla and Juan Carlos has changed!” was making the lethal portrait of how the most important politicians in the country, regional presidents included, laughed thanks to John Carlos and entertained him. Until four days ago it was like that.

One of his last visits, as King, to Cantabria, was in 2008, precisely to Comillas. The chroniclers recounted the enthusiasm, «The strong hug that Revilla gave the King when he said goodbye», and what own Revilla declared at the end of the visit, elated: «Before getting into the car, Don Juan Carlos has asked me to send him more anchovies!». Ahh All the great politicians in the country, top journalists included, already knew almost everything about Juan Carlos. But he was silent. Until the ban was lifted just seven or eight years ago, and the monarchical replacement was set up as a lifeline for the monarchy itself. as the judge said Joseph Castroor the other day in ‘The Sixth Night’: «Juan Carlos was in the way. Neither the family, nor the politicians, nor the judges, who had allowed him everything, knew what to do with him. They packed it up and sent it to Abu Dhabi. And they exclaimed problem solved! And resolved, nothing ». oh! If he ends up installed in Cantabria we will see who brings the anchovies to the palace.

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