Mexico signals “negligence” on the part of manufacturers of arms in an unsolicited lawsuit

Mexico insists on signing the “negligence“of the United States Arms Manufacturers in the request that mantiene against their companies in a federal court judgment, informs this March the chancellor Marcelo Ebrard.

Belice and Antigua and Barbuda, as well as the tax and procurators of 14 state-owned salaries in response to Mexico with a curiosity of friends in front of the court in Boston that revised the case, reported the local millennium Milenio.

Mexico responds to the arguments of Smith & Wesson, Beretta, Colt, Century Arms, Ruger and Barrett, that on November 22nd the decision will be dismissed.

Companies consider that Mexico has no faculties for juvenile delinquency and has immunity to estadounidense legislation by the use that hacer terceros of the arms that fabrican.

Ebrard said in a message posted on social media that the governess was demonstrating “the clear negligence of these companies in their actions” and that “in Mexico does not apply to the administration that invokes”.

The Mexican lawsuit, filed in August, signaled the provocation that these companies were “facilitating the illegal trafficking of arms to drug cartels.”

“There are arms traffickers who know that there are many activities that are proposed or that have these types of brands, including ten pistol series that are inspired by famous narcotics series”, says Ebrard.

The chancellor also said that as of 2011 there are 250,000 illegal immigrants to Mexico. “His pork (his arms) were involved in various violent crimes that cost him human lives,” he added.

“We contest, we respond, we are optimistic (…) We will follow ahead with this demand”, added.

On the other hand, Mexico claims that between 70% and 90% of the armed forces recovered in the crime scenes in Mexico are provinces of the United States.

Some of its firefighters were recovered through the spectacular attack that swept the Mexico City Police Chief, Omar García Harfuch, in June 2020.

In August of this year, the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said that the litigation should not interfere with the policies of the United States, which would allow its citizens to pose and bring arms.

Mexico is in a tragedy of violence Since 2006, the federal government has launched a military anti-drug controversy. Since then, more than 340,000 homicides have been registered in the country.

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