Mexico City authorities highlight decrease in criminal incidence so far in 2022

During the first quarter of 2022, in the Mexico City business robbery with violence had an annual decrease of 61.1%, this figure can be taken as an indicator that better conditions are being generated for the activities, assured local authorities and members of civil society.

In the presentation of the Evaluation of the Criminal Incidence and that obeys the period of January-March 2022the head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, explained that the current security strategy aims to generate better conditions for citizens, businesses and companies in the city.

For this reason, he highlighted that in the indicator of business robbery with violence, there has been a downward behavior every year; For example, in the first quarter of 2019, 203 events were registered, in the same period of time but in 2020 there were 170, while in 2021 with 164 and in 2022 there were 79.

Also, in the indicator vehicle driver-passenger theftthe annual decrease was 61.4%, while in Robbery to account holder, the reduction is 58.5%, while in Robbery to passenger aboard Taxi, the decrease is almost 58 percent.

“It is the trend (…) We have achieved through the Cabinet and the strategy that we have proposed a significant reduction,” he said.

In this sense, Sheinbaum explained that the strategy is based on four axes; The first is Attention to the Causes and that implies generating actions focused on preventing criminal acts, through the generation of opportunities.

For this reason, the leader of the local Executive explained, the Rosario Castellanos Institute was created, the University of Health, the application of the My Scholarship to Start program, Young people unite the Neighborhood, as well as Young People Building the Future and the Reconnect program with the Peace.

The other three axes of the strategy are: more and better Police (which consists of the application of a police training program with values ​​and a salary increase of 45%); Intelligence and investigative capacity; and Coordination with the Secretariat of Public Security and Citizen Protection, the Navy, the National Defense, the National Guard, as well as with the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City.


The president of Citizen Council for Security and JusticeSalvador Guerrero Chiprés, stated that there has also been an improvement in the perception of insecurity, since this indicator was 92.3% in 2018 and is currently 67.4 percent.

This means, he deepened, is that one in four people stopped thinking that the capital is unsafe.

“This is the best record in eight years, according to the data of the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System and Mexico City is at this moment, for more than a year, the entity with the most population in the entire country that it has the best results in terms of criminal incidence”, he pointed out.


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