Live property, millennials earning more than 50% of their interest rates for rent

Once the bachelorette of the Mexican girls has completed, he will continue to pursue a career or start in the world of automated work, confronted with so many issues and the possibilities of economic crime. One of the companies that has the most labor-intensive opportunities for young people is very well placed in the ‘Employers for Youth’ medicines (youth employment) at the national level, it’s the bank BBVA Mexico. This entity has at its disposal more than 20 million young customers, which belongs to the population percentage that has a legal staff and has an active economy.

Part of this population is represented by the millennials, young adults that currently have more than 20 years. This is a generation, which has to meet its economic conditions, due to the possibility of acquiring a proper home. Although you can get a job and support yourself during many years, this generation can not complete the process of building or buying your property, you have to pay the wages that you need and the high prices that you have to pay.

Following the publication of “macro data”, a platform that showcases the variable economic principles of various countries, the minimum Mexican salary is 4,310 monthly pesos. This cobran has taken over the majority of workers who are initiated, in return for a full legal work period, independently of its type of contract. Leyendo the dates that inform the ranking of Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI)Mexico finds itself among the nations with a lower wage index, occupying the number 71.

Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. One of the few options for women to definitely listen to this meta is to apply we present to viviendas, with financing plans and accessory interest rates. Without embarrassment, there are no people who are animated by this option and perpetrated during the majority of years of their life in a single house.

But nothing is positive in the universe of alquilers, on the contrary. A rental income from an apartment with a single dormitory in the center of Mexico is 5,000 Mexican people. These values ​​are evident in the fact that the minimum wage is insufficient, and that millennials who want to live with their families in order to become independent will have to deal with a higher poverty. The youngsters are destined to receive up to 50% of their salary at the current rate, imposing the projection of a stopover on the investment, and a good financial education.

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