La Borra del Café conquers international markets with technological innovation

Guadalajara, Jalisco. With more than 70 branches in Mexico, five in the United States and one in Madrid, Spain, the holding company from Guadalajara Spaces That Inspire (EQI) —brand operator The Coffee Erase—, is getting ready to revolutionize the concept of traditional coffee shops based on the technological innovation.

With this vision, the company appointed Ramón Morales, doctor in Innovation and Educational Technologieswho worked as CTO (Director of Technology for its acronym in English) and with a long career as director of Innovation in the technology company Intel.

“Ramón Morales comes to see how we can be innovative, what the cafeteria of the future is going to be, now that the metaverse is coming, these initiatives where virtual reality, augmented reality, cryptocurrencies are going to begin to be combined,” he told The Economistthe president of Board of directors, Juan Comparan.

He explained that through the use of technology, they will make supply chains and all their processes more efficient, which translates into better customer service, while opening up numerous possibilities for new business models.


This 2022, when 10 years have passed since the opening of its first branch in Guadalajara, Borra del Café is preparing its expansion both in Mexico and in Europe and the United States, he said, for his part, Leon Reffregerglobal CEO of the company.

With an investment close to nine million dollars, this year the Coffee grounds It will open 20 new branches in the United States – in the cities of Chicago, Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles – and four more in Madrid, Spain, in which it will invest one million euros.

The expansion project of the company contemplates opening, at the end of 2022, its first branch in Paris, France.

“The topic of innovation and digital development within the company will allow us to enter new markets,” explained Reffreger, commenting that the covid-19 pandemic forced the company to adapt to new consumer demands.

“Coffee shops are becoming coworking centersthey are an alternative space to offices (…) Today consumers are going to be more connected than ever but more distanced than ever, so, in our space development process we must understand these new variables and transform our cafeterias into connection centers with new technological demands”, highlighted the CEO of La Borra.

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