King David returns or the endless story, by Eugenio García Gascón

If we look at the internal chronology of the Bible, King David reigned exactly 3,000 years ago. His reign was imposing, spanning a vast region with unprecedented power and luxury that the holy book describes in detail. The problem is that no significant archaeological remains have been found even though there is no other place on the planet that has been excavated as much as Jerusalem. First they were Western archaeologists and then Israelis. Hundreds or thousands of archaeologists have dug into the holy city for more than a century with the primary objective of finding any sign that corroborates what the poet king’s Bible says without coming across anything interesting in that regard.

From the surface area it had, historians estimate that 3,000 years ago Jerusalem had at most 4,000 inhabitants. Assuming that half were children and the elderly, the number of adult men and women would be reduced by 50%, a suspicious figure that does not justify the splendor of the Jerusalem described in the Bible.

But this does not end there, since the emeritus professor of the University of Tel Aviv Israel Finkelstein, perhaps the most renowned archaeologist alive in the domain of historical Palestine, published a book a few years ago that questions traditional history. According to Finkelstein, three millennia ago Judaism didn’t even exist, a conclusion he has come to after a lifetime of rummaging around everywhere. The conclusions imply that David and his son King Solomon did not exist, or if they existed, they were at most some small local caudillos who they were not Jewish. This thesis has been defended by many Western historians who do not swallow what the Bible says with their eyes closed. Another conclusion is that characters like the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that according to biblical chronology lived 4,000 years ago, or Moisés, who would have lived 3,250 years ago, They are not historical figures either, but legendary, creatures of one or more brilliant minds.

But those who have faith, despite the progress of history and archeology, continue to believe what the Bible says. In fact, many believing historians, especially Zionists and rigorous Christians, prefer to ignore the advancement of history and cling to the legends that the Bible incorporated many centuries later of the non-existent events described. So from time to time news stories appear in the media pointing to the definitive discovery of Noah’s Ark, or even more outlandish things. A historian blinded by passion is capable of anything.

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With this background, a few weeks ago it was announced the find in Timna, a small deposit in the desert of southern Israel, of 3,000-year-old textile remains that were dyed “royal purple”. Logically, the conclusion of certain historians and archaeologists who never discuss what the Bible says, was not long in coming: they are fabrics that the biblical kings and priests could use, that is, the kings David and Solomon among others. These historians and archaeologists refuse to certify the discoveries that do not fit with the sacred text and agree with the famous book ‘And the Bible was right’, that several decades ago he took for granted everything that the Bible says. The book was very successful, sold like hotcakes all over the planet, and nurtured beliefs that lack a minimal historical basis.

Actually, historians on a mission don’t give a damn about history. Their goal is to confirm what they already believe. In the case at hand, what it is about is to show that since the Jews were there before the Muslims, the land belongs to them, and what the Bible says they interpret as a contract signed by God that gives them ownership that territory. The rest, including the story, is secondary.

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