Is it the end of traditional airlines?

At times when the air transport is logging on to the pandemic, which means 90% of the traffic at the moment is the most critical, thanks to the fact that the various productive roadmasters require the support of the air cargo to be more efficient and also because of the vacancies and other good necessities there should be no alternative but to use air vehicles, including passengers, to be transported quickly and efficiently.

Now that there is a tendency to perceive the tendency to make recovery, as it is with its streams as it now lives debit to Omicron, on the horizon emerge the ghost of the disappearance of traditional aerolines to, say some say, do everything at low cost, which were the ones who resisted the crisis the most and recovered the most quickly.

However, the asunto is not that simple. On other occasions it has been commented that the low-cost airlines, which are very high-end versions of the Southwest, have precisely approved the excesses that the traditional market has created in many years. Southwest initiates its flights on routes that utilize secondary airports and are decadent by having been assisted by large traditional airlines hubs, using the most efficient aircraft created by the inertia of the original industry, while eliminating many of the prerogatives which in short routes in eran tan necessaries, such as food, pre-assigned assistance, large spaces for passengers and their equipment, accumulation of millennia to obtain premiums, etc.

It’s a new product that consumers valued, but it’s a heck that the low cost has captured much of the new market that it created, so far between the ends of the 90´s it is 2019.

The question is whether in the future the traditional van of sobrevivir, vistas the tendencies of previous crimes to the pandemic ya that with the crisis the price becomes critically vile. Many traditional customs that recreate subsidies and prestigious mixtures of many goblins, such as the Chapter XI of the Ley de Quiebras de los Estados Unidos. But it was obvious that they maintain the connectivity in many markets and their trips increase the unconditional support for the transportation of the basic assets and the vacancies.

Asimismo, the crisis obliges the traditionalists to record costs, make deals with their syndicated facilities, negotiate with tenants to reduce their fleets and planters. If you are looking for low cost, in addition, the record can be indefinite. The miles of cotidian complaints against businesses that sell vouchers are right up there with the demonstration team, as well as the general satisfaction of many passengers that, it seems like it costs a fortune to have a minimum courtesy of baby or snack. Eso sin contar con el sobreprecio que deben pagar en caser de querer cualquier condition of contract, como fecha de vuelo o mayor equipjeje.

In general, industries, systems and haste paradigms have this dialectic: they create, impose a model where the opposition is a new one and in the end we tend to have a good synthesis. Ojalá logremos lo mejor de ambos mundos.

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