Interior ensures that the irregularities in Bombers are produced by “many years”

The ‘conseller’ of Interior of the Generalitat, Joan Ignasi Elena, has guaranteed these jobs that from its Conselleria work for “to correct from the very end “the irregularities in the maintenance contracts of Generalitat Bombers trucks.

In the fullness of Parliament, recorded what started the traumas for the contract resolution and impulse one new tender; exchanges, and initiates exchanges of “internal proceedings which in part are due to the circumstances that are legalized”, has been questioned by the deputy of the PSC-Units and excludes Interior, Ramon Espadaler.

Elena told me that legalization practices has been informed of the previous team of the Conselleria pocos días antes that it incorporates the suyo, and has ensured that it has been in the service of the investigation and that work to correct these “bad practice, which appears to have many years to function “.

Comparison of the Secretary General

The ‘counselor’ has recorded that a general secretary comparison of the department, Oriol Amorós, in the Interior Committee of the Parliament to detail all the cabins lifted to the head.

“Since we know this hecho hemos actuado para reverse the situation“, insured Elena to Espadaler, who told her to lie to the bottom of the asunto and concretize the cambios that live in cabo.

Contract canceled in 2018

Related News

Segun publishes this Wednesday La Vanguardia, el Tribunal Català de Contractes del Sector Públic annulo en June 2018 a maintenance contract for the Bomberos trucks at the seville company Iturri Group, tras the impugnación de la adjudicación que hizo su rival, la leridana Rodi Metro SL El dictamen del tribunal dilucidó que la empresa ganadora, Iturri, conocía aspectos sober la valeración de la oferta que le pusieron en situación de ventaja. Say annulo however the procedure pero, on the contrary of that which succeeds habitually, is opted for a negotiated procedure without publication why the Conselleria considers that the urgent adjudication porque faltaban dos semanas para the initiation of the forest campaign.

Always follow the version of this diary, the maintenance contract acabó recayendo nuevamente en Iturri, the only offer, because Rodi opted to not present at the new competition.

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