INE installs Temporary Budget Commission 2023

The National Electoral Institute (INE) reported that it installed the Temporary Budget Commission 2023, whose members will prepare the draft Budget that the electoral body will request for next year when the electoral process for the presidential succession will begin.

The Temporary Budget Committee (CTP) 2023 is chaired by the Minister claudia zavalaand as members Norma De la Cruz, Carla Humphrey, Ciro Murayama and Jaime Rivera.

During the installation session, councilor Claudia Zavala assured that the draft Budget 2023 “it will be projected with absolute autonomy and independence” and will have as its only integration references the provisions of the Constitution, in the current electoral law, in the Federal Law of Popular Consultation, the provisions issued by the Ministry of Finance, the specific regulations of this Institute and the different resolutions of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, as well as of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation.

The counselor said that “it is clear that for the integration of this draft, a scrupulous and well-founded analysis will be made of the political and economic situation that prevails in the country, the health issue and, of course, the challenges involved in carrying out an eventual Popular Consultation for 2023as well as the local elections in Coahuila and the State of Mexico, which will have a Nominal List greater than the number of people who will have the right to vote in the 2022 local elections,” he explained.

He indicated that he will also contemplate the start of preparatory work for the 2024 federal election, in which all public positions will be renewed, including that of Republic Presidenta process that will have the largest number of potential voters in our history, added Zavala.

After the Chamber of Deputies delivered a budget cut to the INE for this year’s fiscal year in 2021, he stressed that the next two budgets, “both 2023 and 2024, will be decisive not only for the course of the Mexican electoral democracy, but to a large extent also for the political and social stability of the country”.

The counselor considered that “it is the duty of all the institutions of the Mexican State to guarantee to all Mexicans, above any other consideration, the broadest exercise of their political-electoral rights.”

“Don’t expect the INE to do magic”

For his part, counselor Ciro Murayama warned that in budgetary matters for the INE, “nobody expects magic and that decisions be made responsibly”, since he stated that the Constitution in electoral matters establishes the powers of said authority, and that the same of the Federal Electoral Process 2017-2018.

Before the local electoral processes of 2023 and the beginning of the PEF 2023-2024, he called for an exercise of great rationality, “but on the other, of great responsibility because believing that the same attributions, even some additional ones, can be done without equivalent resources , would be compromising the viability of the electoral process and putting at risk the democratic renewal of the powers of Mexico”.

Meanwhile, the counselor Carla Humphrey He reiterated the promotion of budgeting, austerity, transparency and accountability issues, as well as the implementation of technology in electoral matters.

“I think it is very relevant to make known why we are budgeting like this, what each of the stages are and to have this dialogue always with respect to our autonomy with the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies so that they can accompany this process and, therefore, see the need to have an adequate budget in the face of the challenges we face as an Institute and, of course, to guarantee democratic elections”, he pointed out.

In accordance with the approved schedule of activities, the preparation of the Preliminary Draft of Budget 2023 which begins this Tuesday, May 31 and will end next August.

The second extraordinary session of the Temporary Commission will be held on August 17, in which the figures of the Preliminary Budget 2023 will be known. The approval by the Executive General Board of the Institutional Portfolio of Projects is scheduled for August 19 August and the approval by the General Council of the preliminary project, for August 22.


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