In the middle of the six-year term, there are still pending to achieve economic recovery: Coparmex

Faced with the wave of insecurity that afflicts our country, the high rates of poverty and inequality, Mexico requires a new development model, based on the market economy accompanied by social and ecological-sustainable development, raised the president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), José Medina Mora.

When inaugurating the Meeting for Mexico, organized by the Coparmex, the businessman said that in the middle of the president’s administration Andrés Manuel López Obrador There are pending issues that urgently be covered to achieve Economic recovery after the pandemic and reactivate productive activity.

“How can we achieve justice for all, in a country where most crimes go unreported And justice is slow, how can we achieve the economic reactivation After this economic crisis due to the pandemic, after more than 1 million 100,000 jobs were lost, of which they were registered in social security and that we are just recovering but by the end of the year, we are missing what we should have generated during the year, more than 1 million companies had to close ”, reproached the leader of the bosses.

Medina Mora He mentioned that among the pending challenges is security, so that it can be transported freely in any part of the country and also the goods can circulate without being subject to vandalism.

The leader of the Coparmex opened the debate to discuss a new development model for the country, “it seems to us that it is time to reflect, not just where we are but where we want to go and in the face of the reality of poverty and inequality that we live in, we are convinced that we require a new development model for the country ”.

He added that the model called the “Market economy with inclusive development” economic development has failed and is not enough, it is necessary to resolve how this economic development is accompanied by social development and ecological-sustainable development.

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